Update and Explanation of the Forthcoming Posts

Monday, May 2, 2011

Today is the first day of the third generation of students at the Academy in Mexico City. The first day for the student consists of cleaning the entire campus. This serves to give them pride in the campus - after spending hours cleaning it, they will respect it a lot more. We are spending the day writing case studies about the business visits we did last week. We have visited and evaluated over 25 businesses, and should be able to write close to 40 case studies based around the information we collected.

A few pictures from our travels last week:
This is a not-so-flattering picture of me, but it's a pretty cool view. You can see the American influence in one of the oldest cities in Mexico. The church on the hill is the Iglesia de Nuestra SeƱora de los Remedios (Church of Our Lady of Remedies), also known as the Santuario de la Virgen de los Remedios (Sanctuary of the Virgin of Remedies), which was built by the Spanish in colonial times (1594). The church is actually built on top of the Great Pyramid of Cholula. The pyramid is a temple that has traditionally been viewed as having been dedicated to the god Quetzalcoatl. There's a lot of cool history here.

This is a model of the church and pyramid in the museum located near the base of the pyramid. It shows a cutaway of what the pyramid under the church looks like.

This part is actually excavated and can be seen.

A close-up of the church on the model.

We had a few minutes between appointments, and we were close to the pyramid, so we took a minute to go to the musuem.  
This is a pretty cool treehouse we saw.

Ben and I talking to Polo about his trucking business. One of the upcoming posts will give a little more information on his business.

The following posts will be small snapshots of some of the businesses we visited, the problems they are facing, and some of the solutions we offered to them. I'm not sure if the case studies will end up being publicly available, but these posts will give a quick glimpse.


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