A Quick Update and a Few Photos

Friday, April 29, 2011

Today, Ben and I spent the day in Tlaxcala visiting with some of the Academy's alumni there. Nate spent the day in Puebla visiting with Academy alumni there, and later in the day, he and Jeremi Brewer (the Academy Director) taught the final lesson for a group of students being taught at the satellite location of the Academy in Puebla. They graduate tomorrow.
Rebecca, Katelynn and Jeremi Brewer
Jeremi and Rebecca are the Academy Directors. Katelynn is their boss.

This gentleman serenaded Ben and I at lunch today. He was playing Hey Jude by the Beatles with his guitar and his wooden flute instrument. It was played to perfection (he even has the haircut going...)

Ben and I with some of the presidency of the Tlaxcala Chapter of the Academy Alumni Association.

We have a lot more to post from today, but it may be a day or two before there's time to post it.


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