A Trip to the LDS Temple in Mexico City

Saturday, May 7, 2011

So, it's Saturday, and the students are out doing sales all day, so we decided to take a trip into the city to go to the temple. It's only about 7 miles from the Academy, but that makes for about an hour ride in a taxi in a city with over 20 million people.
The three MBAs - or as we're called at the Academy - Los Tres Amigos.

A shot of just me.

Us and Eduardo Zanatta - a BYU undergrad originally from Brazil.

All of the interns from the Academy. Ashley and Calvin Skinner are a newlywed couple that will be here until August.

Another shot of me.

Another view showing the fountains.

Eduardo and the Skinners.

The Mexico City Visitor's Center.

This post shows where the ground level used to be. The post is driven all the way down to bedrock, and so it doesn't move, but the ground around it does. Mexico City is built on an old lake bed and is sinking - from the post, it looks like about 2-4 inches per year.

The architecture of both the temple and the visitor's center follow a lot of the ancient Aztec architecture. The building behind me is the visitor's center.

This is about two blocks away from the temple. "La Tienda Prometida" translates as "The Promised Store." For those unfamiliar with LDS culture, this is a play on a story from the Book of Mormon, where a group of people travel to "The Promised Land" (La Tierra Prometida). It's pretty obvious who their target demographic is.

Lunch at Burger King. Ashley is taking the picture, and we're joined by Marvin and Janet - two employees of the Academy who are engaged.


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