Blancos Naomi

Monday, May 2, 2011

The father of this family sold his car and took six weeks off from his family and his business in order to attend the Academy. He had been back for five days when we visited him at his business. Since he had returned he has put into practice multiple lessons learned while at the Academy and for the first time in ten years he knew how much profit he was making on a daily basis. He has began to up sell his current clients embroidery services, and has begun the process of expanding his client base. His vision of what his company can become has increased greatly and he is on his way to making it happen for his beautiful family. I asked him how long it will take to purchase himself a replacement vehicle and he told me that he will have one within twelve months. Amazing sacrifice!
This is a picture of his two best selling products. He sells hospital clothing and sheets to both hospitals and hotels.
This is the first order that he completed after graduating from the Academy. A large order of sheets to a nearby hotel.


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