Teaching Income Statements in a Foreign Language and an Update on Industrial Maqdec

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Yesterday was Income Statement day. The Academy teaches a very basic 10-step income statement to the students. Most micro-enterprise owners don't even keep records, and the difference between Gross Sales and Net Profits is a totally foreign concept. The majority of the small business owners in Mexico (and a lot in the US as well...) figure that whatever is in their cash register at the end of the day is profit and can be spent.

Jeremi taught the concept of separate entities earlier in the day, so we had to field a few follow-up questions, but the lessons seemed to go pretty well.
Nate teaching the steps.

I'm answering a follow-up question.

Talking over each other...three teachers can make the lesson a little difficult (although, it also allows us to make sure we understand and answer the questions thoroughly).

Not sure what I'm pointing at here...

Students love to stand up when they're speaking - I don't know why, but it seems to be even more prevalent among the students that sit in the back of the classroom.

This is a lunch we had with Samuel Ahuacatitan - the owner of Industrial Maqdec. He followed up with Pemex, and they asked him to bid 8 oil pump systems with generators and oil tanks. The oil pumps are used to recover oil from "stripper wells" or "marginal wells." He is asking if one (or all) of us would be willing to accompany him to the meeting. It appears that he is even willing to have us fly back to go to the meeting with him. One of the reasons I took this picture was because this meeting was a lunch meeting, and our "dessert" was these suckers. I just found the image of a bunch of executives sucking on lollipops during a business meeting to be rather amusing, so I just had to snap a picture.

Buying Coke in a 3 Liter bottle makes Nate 3 times as happy!!


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