An Interesting Day

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Like the title says, today was a pretty interesting day. We traveled to the city of Conejos in the state of Hidalgo (about 2 hours by car) to visit a business.
We passed this pretty cool statue.

The car broke down.

We were by the side of the road for about an hour waiting for our driver's wife to bring their other car and for the tow-truck to arrive.

We made it to the business, but I'll post those photos in a separate post.

We ate lunch at Eloy's (the business owner) mom's house. It was spaghetti noodles with Mexican creme as the sauce and refried beans. There was also a mystery stew that only Nate was brave enough to try - we'll see how he feels a little later tonight.

A better view of the statue that I took during our return trip.

A slightly better photo...the graininess isn't the camera - it's the air. I feel like I've smoked a couple packs of cigarettes today from being out on the highways (with no air conditioning, so the windows were open to not die of heat).


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