A Photo Tour of the Academy

Thursday, April 28, 2011

A view from the back porch of the Office Building

The back of the Office Building

The front of the Office Building

The dining hall - Adrian (red) and Alejandro (yellow), two of the greenhouse workers, on their lunch break.

The kitchen at the Academy (part of my project is to help this run more like a commercial kitchen - i.e. more like a restaurant).

The entrance to the dining hall/kitchen building.

The passageway between the dormitory buildings. There are three dormitory buildings - 2 for male students and 1 for female students

A snapshot of inside one of the male student dormitories. Each dormitory has beds, desks, and closet space for up to 20 students.

A view inside one of the largest greenhouses on the property. The plants in the picture are tomatoes. Part of the contract with Mexico for the property is that it must teach some agriculture. Fortunately, the Academy property is located above a well (not common in this part of the country), so irrigation of the plants is a possibility. These tomatoes will be sold to help pay for student scholarships to the Academy. 

An exterior view of the 2 largest greenhouses on the property. The Academy has 4 greenhouses and 2 large open gardening areas. They are growing radishes, carrots, chiles, peppers, lettuce, and many other things.

The laundry facility (these washers and dryers are better than the ones I use in Provo...)

An exterior shot of the classroom building.

An interior shot of the classroom - this is where the most important stuff happens.

The computer lab inside the Office building. Students are taught how to use Excel to keep financial records for their businesses. The lab has 13 computer stations that all have internet access so that more advanced students can learn other skills - like how to use social media to market their business.
A view of the mountain behind us.  Look closely to see the insane architecture - all of Mexico city has pretty much the same architecture.


Jenni Jacobsen said...

Wow, your blog looks great. You always do such a good job on things like this. The facility looks beautiful. The weather looks beautiful as well. I bet you are having a great time.

Jenni Jacobsen said...

P.S. Thanks so much for setting this up and allowing us to be a part of your experience in Mexico. The kids were really excited to see the pictures of where Daddy is. We love you.

Carl said...

When I read the washer/dryer comment I thought of Jenni saying "the washer/dryer YOU used in Provo"? At least that's what Courtney would've said.

Taking off tomorrow (30 hours on a plane, shoot me) Hope Mexico is fun!

Jenni Jacobsen said...

The kids and I have a request? We would love to see you in some of the pictures you post next!

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